The Institute

IEEE’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Now it is easier for authors to change to their preferred name

photo collage of 6 people working

THE INSTITUTE On Monday, 28 June, IEEE's Board of Directors took an important step in our collective journey toward an inclusive and equitable culture that welcomes, engages, and rewards all who contribute to the field, without regard to race, religion, gender, disability, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

“IEEE continues its strong commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in our work and across our professions. Given our mission, focused on the advancement of technology for the benefit of humanity, IEEE collaborates globally with all our stakeholders and seeks to maintain an open and inclusive platform for our authors. I'm pleased with the IEEE Board of Directors unanimous approval of a policy that recognizes the importance that authors place on managing their own name and identity," says Susan K. (Kathy) Land, 2021 IEEE president and CEO.

To fully align IEEE's actions with our commitment to diversity and inclusion, IEEE's Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB) and the IEEE Board of Directors voted to permit authors who change their preferred name, due to marriage or divorce, religious conversion, gender alignment or any other reason, to modify the metadata associated with their IEEE publications upon successful validation of the identity of the requesting author.

Larry Hall, vice president, IEEE Publication Services and Products, replied, “I'm quite pleased that the Board was able to make substantial progress in addressing the needs of our author community in concert with progressive industry practice. We will continue to work on issues related to removing impediments and expanding access for all researchers who have something to contribute to the scholarly conversation."

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