What Is the Silly Half-Life of Today's Technology?

Looking Around And Guessing What Will Seem Silly by 2030

1 min read

What Is the Silly Half-Life of Today's Technology?

There was an article in yesterday's London Telegraph that listed 50 current "technologies" (the definition used is a bit of a stretch as you will see) that in the next twenty years or so will look absolutely archaic if not out right silly.

The Telegraph article says,

"There can be little doubt: yesterday’s cutting edge technology looks silly to today’s children and much of today’s technology will look silly to tomorrow’s children. Here’s a list of 50 technological advances, past and present, that will have young people asking: "You used to have to do what?"

The list includes everything from TV schedules (TV on demand will do them in) to paper business cards (the prediction is we will all have wireless business cards in the future) to fillings in teeth (we'll simply have our teeth removed and replaced by ones grown from stem cells).

Many of the items on the Telegraph's list are IT/software intensive in nature. I wonder if software systems will be that much more reliable in 2030 than they are today?

I hope so, but I am not betting on it.


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